The Chicken or the Egg? Who Gives a Shit?

What came first, the chicken or the egg? Only two right answers:

1. I don't care.

2. It doesn't f'n matter.

A common pop culture, societal playful riddle.  Really, a cyclical paradox of epic pointlessness.  First off, in all of my infinite scientific naivety, I'm certain someone much smarter than me could offer up a valid answer involving some sort of evolutionary lineage back to the dinosaurs, and likely some human meddling down the line.  But, that's not the point.  Conceptually, I think we all know what it's getting at, and that is the part that is utterly, ridiculously of no purpose.  

The same answer as the body/mind duality debate, the final emblem of Descartes masterful logistical equation, the same general response as to is there a god.  It's all basically the same question, and they all have the same appropriate responses, stated clearly above.  


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